
We continuously foster a feeling of community amongst our work-force. They work as a collective force towards a goal that benefits everybody. It is through our highly motivated work-force we can deliver quality products and services.

Human Resource

Apart from on-the-job training and technical training, numerous programs on general management and behavioral topics are conducted each year. Our remuneration and incentives match among the best corporate organizations in the world. At the Jindal Group, we provide an open and abundant space for individual ability. We believe in team spirit and equal opportunity and personal enhancement is an ongoing process in our organization. Every worker gets an equal chance to rise and progress.


Quality is the way of life at D. P. Jindal Group. We follow strict norms of quality when it comes to resource management, production, services, commitment and working environment. We believe the quality-consciousness is a panacea for all economic and social ills. May it be quality of life or quality of business; we revere it in all spheres of our job. The trust that is vested in us by our clients and customers stems from our consistent adherence to quality standards.


Our workers are our capital - they are the backbone of what we do. Since we value human life more than anything else, we take utmost care of our workers' safety. Our factories and machines are regularly and diligently examined by highly-trained technicians and engineers.

The safety of our clients and customers too, is extremely important to us. That is why our products and services meet the strictest standards existing anywhere in the world. We take care that we use safe technologies to protect our environment against air and water pollution and deforestation. Development thrives in safety. It renders us a peace of mind that enables us to think beyond the immediate concerns.